A CARING and effective school — that was how school inspectors described Bridestowe Primary School in its latest Ofsted report.

The school — one of those joining with Okehampton College to form the Dartmoor Federation from September — was judged as good with outstanding features by inspectors when they visited in early March.

'This is a good school where pupils achieve well. It also has some particular strengths.

'High-quality pastoral care ensures that all pupils become enthusiastic and confident and feel extremely safe,' said the inspectors.

The enthusiasm for learning created by staff figured heavily in the report: 'Pupils really enjoy their learning and in all lessons observed they were fully engaged.

'Pupils are proud of their school and this is reflected in their good attitudes and behaviour.'

The range of physical activities on offer was also commended.

The inspectors said: 'Pupils adopt exceptionally healthy lifestyles as a result of the outstanding range of physical activities provided for them.'

'Parents and carers hold the school in high regard. For instance, one said, "We have been extremely happy with the education, care and experiences our children have received".

'In Years 1 to 6, pupils continue to make good progress.'

Inspectors found that pupils' achievements in mathematics were above the national average, noting that a good variety of teaching resources and methods are used to make lessons interesting.

The headteacher Michael Brady, along with other staff members and the school's governing body, were commended as a team dedicated to further improving the education provided at the school.

Mr Brady agreed with these sentiments: 'This is a team effort; there are many people in the school community that have worked hard in recent years to achieve this excellent report.

'Our aim is for the child to be safe, feel happy and make progress with their learning; the report provides external validation that we are on track to achieve this.

'I am very proud to be the headteacher and delighted for all those that have helped us move towards our vision of creating an outstanding primary school.'

The school's impact on the local community was also noted in the report, with particular mention made of events such as 'roast dinner day', when local residents are invited to the school to join pupils for a meal, and the school's excellent relationship with St Bridget's Church.

The inspectors were positive on further improvement at the school. They said: 'The improvements that have been made since the last inspection, and the quality of the current provision, show that the school has a good capacity to improve even further.'

In order to build on its success, inspectors suggest the school should ensure work provided for more able pupils always challenges them, and that more opportunities are presented to help children improve their literacy skills.