PUPILS from Boasley Primary School and Bridestowe Primary School who live in Sourton parish were presented with mugs to commemorate the royal wedding on Friday,?April 29.

Four pupils from Boasley Cross School and 14 from Bridestowe School were presented with the mugs by parish council chairman John Hockridge, vice-chairman Geraldine Jury, and parish clerk Tracy Bryant.

Geraldine said: 'It was an absolutely smashing day. We were made to feel really welcome at both schools by everyone involved, and had a brilliant few hours.

'The children seemed to really enjoy the day, and talked to us about the wedding on television. The girls loved the wedding dress!'

Pupils from Lew Trenchard Primary School were also presented with commemorative mugs by the Lewdown grouped Parish Council.

Each mug was marked with the individual child's name and included pictures of the school and war memorial.

ABOVE:?Some pupils from Boasley Cross School with their commemorative mugs.