CALLINGTON Town Forum will present the second Kelliwic Lecture on May 29 entitled 'The Hell of High Water: Tsunami and the Cornish Coast'.
The lecture by author, broadcaster and public speaker Professor Simon Haslett, who is an occasional speaker on the BBC series 'Coast', will start at 2pm.
The British Isles are not generally considered to be at risk from tsunami. However, destructive tsunami are known to have occurred on a few occasions, but historic records and field evidence gathered from the shores of Britain suggests that there may have been many more, with the coast of Cornwall seeming to be a tsunami hotspot.
Prof Haslett has undertaken eight years of geographical field and archive work to try and establish if tsunami are a more frequent hazard around the coast of Britain than previously thought.
This lecture will be of general interest to all and of particular importance to those living close to the coastline or councillors in coastal parishes. Admission is free but a collection will be taken to help defray the costs.