IT WAS all musical chairs at Tavistock Town Council as the most recent deputy mayor of Tavistock was elected mayor while the former mayor was himself chosen as his deputy.

Cllr Andy Hutton, the deputy mayor, had the Tavistock Mayor’s chain of office hung round his neck as he became the new mayor at a ceremony in the council chamber last week (Tuesday, May 16). It is the second time Cllr Hutton has become the ‘first man’ of the town.

Performing the ritual was the man he replaced – Cllr Paul Ward — who has been the mayor for the past year. In a reversal of roles Cllr Ward was swiftly voted in as the new deputy. Cllr Hutton then confirmed the deputy mayor’s election by fitting his chain office.

The event was completed by the choice of the Tavistock Mayoress, Susan Hutton, wife of the new mayor. Then Jane Ward, the former mayoress and wife of Cllr Ward, became deputy mayoress. Each woman presented the respective new mayoral chains to each other.

Cllr Ward proposed the man who stepped into his mayoral shoes, saying he was a good chocie because of his experience which included being one of the original members of the community support group Tavi Helps, helping the town during covid and his involvement with the charitable work of Tavistock Lions,

The changes at the top came after local elections chose a new-look council, which meant other roles such as sub committee and committee chairs and other representatives on various outside bodies had to be allocated to the democratically chosen members.

Cllr Ward chose the Tavistock charity Make a Difference as his mayoral charity and presented a cheque for £1,581 to Dr James Allenby representing the good cause which supports adults with mental health issues.

Cllr Ward said: ‘I am delighted to present this cheque to Make a Difference as my chosen Mayor’s Charity. The charity helps adults with mental health problems. When I visited the charity during my time in office, I was very impressed with how much they do with very little. They certainly make the most of very little resources and are a deserving cause.’

Dr Allenby said: ‘We are only a very small charity with a low profile. We provide services for people with mental health problems in Tavistock. We certainly treasure every donation and this is a big one for us as we don’t have many resources, either financially or otherwise. We will spend it wisely. I’m very grateful to the former mayor for the funds which were raised by the Tavistock [Town] Council annual town ball.

’In his speech looking ahead Cllr Ward said: ‘An environmental disaster has been declared worldwide and the town council will be playing its part in tackling this by having the issue on its agenda for the coming year.’

Cllr Hutton said whatever mayoral charity he chooses will address food poverty in the town.