THE DESPERATE owners of a missing cat are offering a £100 reward for help in finding their pet cat Finlay.
The large long-haired tabby, aged seven, disappeared from Hewton near Weir Quay south of Bere Alston on Christmas Eve lunchtime.
Owner Karen Dreher said: “I urge anyone who may have seen him or has information on his whereabouts to come forward.
“My husband Rod and I are bereft without him. We miss his big saucer eyes, his smiley face, his inquisitiveness, his companionship – sitting on laps, demanding fusses, the way he moves – so elegant and like a miniature lion with big wet paws to dry when he comes in from the garden.
“We miss brushing his fur and ‘conversations’ when he’s telling us what he wants, seeing him content sprawled on the armchair, the interactions with our other cat – their play and their affection towards one another.
“We miss his face at the window asking to come in. He has a big personality and his absence has left a big hole in the household.
“It might seem strange to a non-animal lover, but it is like losing touch with someone with whom you have been very close.”
The pair have delivered missing cat flyers, and searched lanes and listened for meows: “We fear he is hurt, injured or ill and has no one to take him to the vet and care for him. Knowing he died instantaneously in an accident would be heartbreaking but our worst nightmare is that he is lying somewhere unseen, suffering a slow and painful death.”
Finlay is described as pale brown, with striped markings on his legs, a dark band along his back, a small patch of white around his nose and under his chin, a bushy ruff around his neck and a stripy bushy tail. He is neutered and microchipped. He does not wear a collar.
The couple’s grandchildren love to pet him when they visit. Karen said: “Our two cats are our family – sad as that may sound and especially since Covid, they are central to our daily routines.
“Finlay is very loving to people he knows and trusts; he is like a big teddy bear when he’s in a cuddly stay-at-home mood.”
He has only stayed out for the occasional night. When he has been taken away camping, he has never strayed far from his owners’ caravan.
Finlay will not normally allow himself to be petted by strangers. He enjoys breakfast and supper of Felix, and his weakness is Dreamies nibbles.
He was five months old when he came to live with Karen and Rod in 2017 after their previous cat died and after Karen had a hip operation they took in Finlay and a furry companion. The other cat is moping and is lost without him. Karen said: “One of the last things I saw Finlay do was wash her face, as he often did.”
She added: “I would also like to mention our neighbours who have been so supportive and even turned out on Christmas Day to look in outhouses etc.”
Karen can be contacted with sightings on 07813 435987 with a what3words location or via Animal Search UK on 01244 355 247 quoting Ref: ALP329126[
