Artists in the Tavistock area have grouped together to help find exhibition space for their work. 

The women’s collective – called Herding Cats – has been formed to give the artists strength in numbers and build confidence to find space and the ability to decide their own themes for exhibitions, and find venues that reflect their subject matter.

The collective is also looking for new members to give it more of a voice to help widen the awareness of local creatives. The membership includes those new to exhibiting, as well as more experienced artists.

Member Elaine Simkins said: “A lot of artists like us find it difficult to exhibit our art because individually we cannot afford to show in most spaces on our own. Working together enables us to approach the organisers of the shows and exhibitions with confidence. We are a group of female artists using mixed styles working with ceramics, paint, textiles and recycled materials. 

“Together, not only will we find it easier to hire a venue, but also to influence the exhibition and how to make it relevant to us and any others who exhibit in terms of content and how pieces are shown. We will therefore have more freedom to express ourselves through exhibition spaces.”

The group comprises women from all backgrounds, including those who have other jobs, some self-taught artists and artists of all ages and family circumstances. Elaine added: “We are a diverse group who have found common cause and connections, share passion for our work and want to have more of an influence on how and where we can reach the public.”

One of the collective’s favourite venues is Finch Foundry at Sticklepath near Okehampton, where the artists are currently exhibiting and have been able to interpret their work in their own way to audiences.

Fellow collective member Lucia Yonge said “We find the Finch Foundry staff receptive to our ideas and we have the freedom to respond to this beautiful historic place individually and as a collective”. 

Women interested in joining Herding Cats are invited to make contact via the group’s email: [email protected]