Parents concerned the family hub in Tavistock might close have been assured the services it provides supporting families in need will remain as the building’s future is reviewed.
A mother is worried the family hub might close and services stop when the service provider’s contract ends at the end of March.
She continues to receive support from the hub for her and her child after homelessness and domestic abuse. She is involved in the community consultation over its future and also volunteers at the hub.
A second community consultation panel meeting is due soon.
The hub is owned by Devon County Council (DCC) and houses wide-ranging family support services by Action for Children for DCC.
Services include support for children with special educational needs and Disabilities (SEND) and to mothers over breastfeeding, for instance.
A DCC spokesman said: “Nothing has been decided about the building yet. Our proposal had been for the family hub services to be delivered through the existing community support groups and venues in the town, and to offer the current children's centre building to a childcare provider, because there is a need for childcare in Tavistock.
“However, the consultation response suggested the community were concerned about the proposal, so we met with a working group of parents, councillors, representatives from education, health services and the voluntary sector to talk about the current building and how people could access family hub services in Tavistock.”
DCC says it is important to distinguish between Tavistock Family Hub services with the support now available to all families with children aged 0 to 19 (or to age 25 with SEND), and what happens to the former Tavistock Area Children's Centre building.
The spokesman said: “The services and support are not in question – they're happening. The unresolved question yet is how the former Children's Centre building can be used to best benefit for the local community.”
The unnamed mum said besides the practical support, the most valuable help she got was: “Giving me confidence to report domestic abuse and start believing in myself and keeping my child’s father away from us. I was scared to leave my little one with anyone, he now goes to pre-school while I work part-time and also volunteer at the family hub and with the breastfeeding peer support groups. I still have things ongoing and they continue to be like a family to me and my son. It's the first place I go if I need someone to talk to or support.”
Action for Children will continue providing services from Tavistock Children’s Centre on behalf of DCC until the end of March when its contract ends.
The charity’s spokesman said: “"We’re working closely with the council to ensure a smooth transition of provision and our priority is to ensure the needs of the children and families we support will continue to be met.
“Any decision about how and where that provision is provided will be made by the council, based on the consultation and engagement which has taken place with families."