Nature experts have saved an injured baby owl in Tavistock.

Two woodland inspectors have saved the life of a baby Tawny Owl in woodland beside a housing development in Tavistock.

The youngster, which was injured, possibly by other birds, was seen in woodland bordering the Manor housing estate.

Greenbelt Group’s Sooh Boocock was carrying out the land steward company’s monthly site inspection with South Hams and West Devon District Council senior tree officer Lee Marshall when she spotted the baby owl balanced on some fallen ivy, about eight feet off the ground.

Sooh said: “Having spent a few minutes taking photos, we realised the owl didn’t have any adequate cover if it rained. Also, with lots of vegetation reaching up to its perch, it was easy prey for cats or foxes. 

“If it fell to the ground, it was also in potential peril from the many dogs using the woodland for exercise.”

Sooh called South Hams Birds of Prey Rescue for advice. She sent the experts a photograph and described the situation – and the rescue service agreed to collect the owl.

She added: “There followed an interesting descent from its perch and then the baby spent a few minutes tucked safely in my coat while we finished the tree inspection. We were lucky enough to meet the local nursery group, who were on a woodland outing, and who were, of course, super excited to see a baby owl.

“We delivered our baby owl to Steve Hopper from the rescue centre in South Brent, who confirmed we definitely had made the right call – there was evidence of the poor bird already having been attacked, probably by crows, and it was way too young to be out of the nest.”

Steve will now keep the baby owl safe until it is fully grown and ready to be released back into the wild, hopefully in September or October.

Sooh said: “It’s a great result. The baby owl will be in good company with the other owlets they are already caring for.”

A baby owl is in safe hands after being rescued in Tavistock.
A baby owl is in safe hands after being rescued in Tavistock. (Greenbelt Group)
Injured baby owl perched in Tavistock woodland.
Injured baby owl perched in Tavistock woodland. (Greenbelt Group)