Karen Sharland of Bere Alston was one of 11 new deacons from the Diocese of Exeter ordained at Exeter Cathedral on Saturday, June 29, writes Ann Parsons.

Karen was ordained by the Rt Revd Jackie Searle, the Acting Bishop of Exeter, who told the deacons that their calling to reach ‘into the forgotten corners of this world’ was, at this time, ‘needed more than ever’.

Karen led her first service as a reverend the following day at Holy Trinity Church in Bere Alston, in a united service with the congregation of St Andrew’s, Bere Ferrers. The Rev Nick Law officiated at communion, assisted by Karen, and readers Sue Belfield and Sheila Gay also took part.

Revd Nick Law said that Karen had been ordained as a ‘distinctive deacon’ and would work within the community, to be a bridge between that and the church, rather than being up front at every service. She will continue her training to do baptisms, funerals, visiting and home communions.

Karen, a ‘proud mother and grandmother’, moved to West Devon 37 years ago and has lived in Bere Alston for 27 of those.

‘I am excited about being a distinctive deacon and working in the Bere Peninsula, building bridges between the church and the community, whilst combining my skills in storytelling and performing arts to reach out to those on the margins,’ she said, adding that she loved listening to people’s stories.