A VILLAGE youth club’s future is now more secure after businesses clubbed together to solve its heating problem.

Following an appeal in the Times by Princetown Youth Club for help with its broken central heating boiler, three companies came to the rescue.

The club had to cancel weekly meetings and go without its catering sessions after being without the heating and hot water during the cold winter.

Not only were youngsters missing out on socialising and learning lifeskills, but their building was in danger of deteriorating beyond rapair as damp and condensation built up.

A public appeal was launched by the youth club chairman Emma Byrom and publicised by the Times.

Nick Henderson, managing director of Tavistock estate agency Mansbridge Balment, spread the word of the appeal in the firm’s Christmas card to contractors.

He said: We’re always keen to try and support local organisations – particularly where children are concerned. Emma told me the boiler had broken and they were in real need of some help and there was an article in the paper highlighting their plight.’

‘Without being in a position to buy a new boiler directly, we highlighted the issue in our digital Christmas card with a fundraising page link. This and the Times story raised some money and interest from contractors offering help.

‘Gary Lynch, of Chamings Plumbers, called after also reading the newspaper and said he could obtain a free a new boiler from boiler makers Navien which Chamings would fit free of charge.

‘I cannot thank Gary and Chamings enough – nor can we say enough about Navien and their regional business manager, Shaun MacDonald. Many thanks to everyone involved.’

Shaun, said: ‘I am very keen to help communities where I can. I have a youngster and I also know how isolated Princetown young people are, so the youth club’s survival is very important to keep them well occupied and out of trouble.’

Nick added that the club building also needed more maintenance: ‘During my discussions with Emma it became clear that more help is needed for the club. We talked about the condition of the building overall and that more work will be needed.

‘This prompted me to contact former MD here at Mansbridge Balment, David Balment, who has carried out an initial visit to the site and is now working towards a condition report so we know where our next focus needs to be.

‘I am more than happy to continue to support the club and look forward to further developments with our business associates and local contacts.’