A 'Reclaim the Night' march calling for an end to violence against women and girls will be held in Plymouth next Friday night (February 7).

It is being staged by charity Trevi, which provides secure accommodation in the city for women and children escaping from domestic violence.

This will be Trevi's second 'Reclaim the Night' march in Plymouth, which has a high number of domestic violence and sexual offences.

In 2023, Plymouth experienced a significant number of domestic violence and sexual offences, totalling 6,342 incidents. In the same year, the city reported 153 incidents of violence and sexual offences in the city centre, accounting for 36.4 per cent of all crimes in that area.

The march will begin with placard-making at 4pm at Arts University Plymouth, Tavistock Place. It will head off at 6.15pm to circle the city, coming back to Tavistock Place for speeches and discussions.

Mel Sevieri, Trevi's community fundraiser and event organiser, said: “Plymouth has worked tirelessly over recent years to bring about significant changes the women in our city. However, with VAWG (violence against women and girls) crimes still on the rise in Plymouth, we are eager to see even more progress. Through 'Reclaim the Night,' a global movement that many are familiar with, we will stand together, support survivors, and reclaim our nights in the hope of creating a brighter and safer future where everyone can live without fear. We are proud of our partnership with the Arts University Plymouth and so grateful to the staff and volunteers who stand alongside us in this fight. Join us and make your voice count!”

The event is supported by Arts University Plymouth. Jacqueline Moore, director of external relations, said: “It’s a privilege for university staff and student volunteers to be able to support this important event to raise awareness of the unacceptable national and international statistics on sexual violence. We hope as many people as possible will join Trevi in marching to demand that women and girls should feel safe to enjoy public spaces day and night without looking over their shoulders for fear of violence and harassment.”

To find out more visit  www.trevi.org.uk/endvawg. To book a space on the march email [email protected].