The EXCITEMENT is building as Callington Fire Station prepares to reveal a remarkable new addition of a mural to its premises.

On September 17 an impressive three-panel mural celebrating the work of the community firefighters will be installed and the community is being given a chance to get involved with painting it.

Callington Fire Station stands as a bastion of community safety, manned by firefighters devoted to protecting the Callington community. Through swift emergency response, public safety initiatives, and active community engagement, Callington Fire Station is at the heart of ensuring the welfare of its residents.

The new mural will encapsulate the station’s commitment to community safety and unity by encouraging everyone to make their mark on it! This vibrant artwork is poised to strengthen the bond between firefighters and the community they proudly serve by letting the people of Callington paint the mural themselves.

This will be a fun, family community engagement event with refreshments served on the premises as well as firefighter recruitment, safety advice and CPR training, open to the public from 10am to 2pm.

Plymouth-based artist, Sam Holland has been hard at work, commissioned to create murals that are captivating and allow residents to fill in the designs themselves in a ‘painting by numbers’ style.

The masterpiece ingeniously blends the artistry of Holland’s dynamic work with the core values of firefighting, resulting in an impactful visual representation that promises to provide the people of Callington with a fantastic artistic outlet.

“I aimed to create three murals that not only acknowledge the courage of our firefighters but also allows for the whole community to participate in their creation.” explained Sam Holland.

“This mural encapsulates the bond between our firefighters and the community, by letting local people paint the designs.”

The event, scheduled for next month will be held at the Fire Station on South Hill Road.

Residents and firefighters alike will gather to create the murals and encourage community engagement with fire safety and prevention. A firefighter recruitment drive will take place with information about becoming an on call firefighter.

Callington Mural Coordinator Sam Jackman told us: “ We are really looking forward to welcoming everyone to participate in the painting of these very special murals.

“Everyone who paints a section for us will have their details logged so we can keep an archive of the people who participated. We hope to create a lasting memory for people, who can drive past the completed murals and say ‘I helped to paint that!’.”

If residents are not able to join in on the day, there are other ways to support the event.

“In preparation for the event, we’re seeking donations of paint brushes from the local community, said Sam.”

“So if you have any kicking around at home, there will be a box in the Town Hall where they can be collected and put to good use on the day.”

For more information, you can contact Sam Jackman on: 07722797807 or by emailing: [email protected]