A DAY of live music, creativity and cake brought locals together for a festival unique to the Tamar Valley.

Rain couldn’t dampen the spirit of Calstock Cake Day and people of all ages turned out to enjoy workshops, bands, and delicious foods.

“It was a perfect cross between a festival and a village fete with loads of dancing and loads of cake – the rain didn’t matter,” said organiser Barry Kirkman.

The festival is an annual celebration organised by Calstock Cake, which holds regular cafes and events.

Barry explained: “Calstock Cake has had many incarnations. It started in 1990, the year the village hall was built. We do 12 Community Cafes a year. We serve up great meals for £2.50 and a decent piece of cake for £1. We always have craft workshops aimed at children up to 14, and there’s a kids corner for the under 3s.

“There’s usually something going on in a corner to interest people, normally musicians, or a wind-up gramophone, or a demonstration of a spinning wheel. A lot of the things are about encouraging creativity in local people.

“If the sun is shining, everyone migrates outside. The food is all vegetarian or vegan and it’s all run by volunteer helpers. It’s incredibly popular, we usually have around 50-60 people who attend and eat and then there’s people who come for coffee and cake.”

A new venture for the Calstock Cake team is the repair cafe, which is now taking place at the hall on the morning of the regular event.