A CLIMBER had to be rescued after falling in Foggintor Quarry near Princetown on Sunday, July 14.
The climber had taken a tumble after some of his equipment came loose, injuring his wrist, spine and ankles.

He was lucky not to sustain a serious head injury, fortunately landing feet first.
Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team Tavistock were called out just past 3pm to help the ambulance service rescue him from the quarry.
It was a delicate operation, with the team having to transport the injured man in a vacuum mattress in order to protect his spine. He was then taken to hospital by air ambulance medics.

“It was great to see how seamlessly the team, Air Ambulance medics and South Western Ambulance Service Trust worked together,” said a search and rescue team spokesperson.
After returning to collect the remaining equipment from the quarry, the team stood down just before 5pm.