A PETITION calling for a safe crossing outside St James Primary School in Okehampton has gone past the 400-signature mark – as local councils pledge to find funding to build a crossing.

The petition set up by Helen Holman, whose grandchildren go to the school, is calling for a safe crossing for children and their parents crossing from new houses built on the other side of busy Crediton Road.

Helen said: "The speed of the traffic is getting worse with very few vehicles travelling at the speed limit of 30mph. If Okehampton College can have a zebra crossing in a 20mph zone why can’t we? This is an accident waiting to happen and we need something put in place before it is too late."

Devon County Council, responsible for roads in the county, would be responsible for installing a crossing. While a developer contribution was secured to build St James Primary in the first place, none was obtained for a pedestrian crossing for its pupils.

A Devon County Council spokesperson has now told the Okehampton Times: “Devon County Council is working with West Devon Borough Council to find funding which would enable the development of a scheme for a pedestrian crossing on Crediton Road. Crossing improvements will make it easier and safer for children accessing St James Primary School while also supporting walking and cycling in the town.”

Meanwhile the Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust, which runs the school, said: "We welcome recent community efforts to call for greater road safety measures on Crediton Road and the council's action to introduce traffic calming measures in the area. The health and safety of our pupils is our number one priority and we continue to work closely with the police to educate our pupils on road safety and engage with the local community members and stakeholders.

"This has included workshops for all pupils on road safety run by community police liaison officers and the chance for our Year 5 students to perform speed checks on cars on the road with a police officer. I would like to thank our local community members and the authorities who have worked with us so far to ensure our pupils can travel to and from school safely."

Sgt Tom Ottley, in charge of neighbourhood policing in West Devon, carried out traffic speed surveys outside St James Primary School on Crediton Road with his team last year, said he would support a crossing.

The other crucial safety measure for children going to the school, footway along the north side of Crediton Road, has moved closer after Barratt David Wilson Homes agreed to contribute £100,000 – 40 per cent of the cost – as part of its ‘planning gain’ Section 106 agreement for the local community.

The petition calling for the pedestrian crossing can be signed at https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/safe-school-crossing-reduce-the-speed-on-crediton-road.