MILITARY Academy students from Duchy College spent a challenging week on Dartmoor with The Rifles Regimental Support Team recently.

The week saw them put into practice the culmination of their field craft training in some testing weather. The students established and occupied patrol harbours and conducted orders, recce patrols, standing patrols, sentry duty, ambushes, sniper stalk and a CQB lane. In addition, it gave them the chance to hone their administration in the field, including washing, personal administration, cooking and eating rations.

Student Beth Connolly said: ‘It was a tough week with some really bad weather. I found it challenging at times but learned a lot from it. It has really given me a lot of confidence that I am ready for Army selection and training.’

Newly promoted students Lance-Corporals and Corporals were responsible for leading and managing their sections throughout the week. They had to give patrol orders, run rehearsals and carry out the patrols. On the final day after conducting a night ambush on the Rifles Support Team, the students carried out a sniper stalk using ghillie suits.

Student Corporal Ben Jones said: ‘I really enjoyed the exercise. As a student Non-Commisioned Officer (NCO) I had to look after my section and give patrol orders and lead patrols.

‘I am in the Cadets but this was more intense with great direct support from the Army.’

Student Lance-Corporal Stephen Kirby said: ‘I had great fun! It was very exciting. I enjoyed the night patrols and the night ambush as well as the Close Quarter Battle (CQB) lane. It really gave me the chance to practise my skills.’

Lecturer for Military Academy at Duchy College Stoke Climsland Jon Stone said: ‘The exercise is the culmination of the training that they have undertaken over the year. It brings together elements of the portfolio and qualification with real-life work experience.

‘The exercise is hosted by the Army and The Rifles Support Team and gives the students the opportunity to experience what they will go through in training and in the forces.

‘It is invaluable and really gives them a taste of what to expect in their future employment. It was a tough, challenging week — they all worked exceptionally hard.’