A family fun day at Gooseford Farm Whiddon Down will give people of all ages an insight into how milk gets from the cow into their fridgesFarmer Julian Courtier and his sons Chris and George are throwing open the farm gates for a special open day on Saturday, September 21, from 11.30am.

 See behind the scenes of a modern dairy farm
( See behind the scenes of a modern dairy farm)

The day starts at 11.30am with a farm machinery sale, aimed at the farming community.Families can see behind the scenes of a modern dairy farm with visits to see the Friesian herd grazing the fields and then have a close-up view in the dairy.Visitors can have a very good view from a special platform the cows being milked on a rotating milking assembly.The other attractions include several stalls from companies supplying the farm with agricultural machinery and materials, fertilisers, sed and feed. There will also be local crafts people showing off their wares. A hog roast will also offer a mouthwatering attraction.

other attractions include stalls, agricultural machinery and materials, fertilisers, sed and feed.
(other attractions include stalls, agricultural machinery and materials, fertilisers, sed and feed. )

Julian said: “This is a special day for us to show the local community what we do behind the scenes and for families to enjoy themselves at the same time. So, we have lots of stands from local businesses, some are farm-related and some will appeal to families. They can also see the cows in the field and then being milked, which should be interesting. It’s on a rotating parlour, and visitors can get a good view of what’s going on from a viewing platform.”

He added, “We have only been dairy farming for seven years and converted from beef and arable farming when both of the boys decided to go into farming. Myself and my father had been farming at Gooseford since 1957.” He said the farm, which has only been run by the family for seven years, contributes significantly to the economy and employs local people: “We are a very important part of the area and we should be shouting about what we’re doing. It’s still surprising that many people don’t know what happens on a farm, where milk comes from, and how it gets to shops. We’re delighted to welcome as many people to this free event because we’re very proud of what we do.”

Julian prides himself on the healthy milk he provides through special public vending machines in Hatherleigh, Chagford, Winkleigh, and Okehampton.

Julian prides himself on the healthy milk he provides
(Julian prides himself on the healthy milk he provides)

These machines also allow customers to add several flavours to their milk, given them tasty milkshakes.He points out this milk is extra special, as well as being fresh from the local farm, with little transport miles included, it is healthier than the normal milk from supermarkets. “Not many people are aware that our milk is unhomogenised, which means it is not processed to mix in the cream and create a standardised product which is what you buy in the supermarkets.  Our milk is pasteurised and therefore, safe to drink, but is different because it has the cream at the top of the milk which means it retains all the nutrients which our bodies can absorb and benefit from.”

Gooseford Farm -  Saturday, September 21, from 11.30am.
(Gooseford Farm - Saturday, September 21, from 11.30am.)