Tavistock Musical Theatre Company’s (TMT) Aladdin has been cast following auditions.

Aladdin will be staged in Tavistock Town Hall in November, believed to be the first time a panto has been staged there and will be celebrating TMT’s seventieth year.

The parts have been shared between newcomers and existing members of the company, which has a wide age group from seven up to people in their 80s and includes members from the same families.

Director Julian Bennett said: “This promises to be a wonderful show. We think it’s the first time Tavistock Town Hall has hosted a pantomime, so, combined with our seventieth anniversary, we are confident the people of Tavistock will enjoy a spectacular show which is fitting for a special year.”

The group’s Wind in the Willows programme won an award for digital design team, Identity Studio of Whitchurch, who will be providing the back-projected animated scenery for Aladdin. Costumes will be created by Patti Stott and musical direction by Rosemary Fox.

A new member, Steven Smallwood, has been cast in the role of Aladdin while Neet Lawrence will play Wishee Washee. Other cast members are: Princess Madarin, Emma Wilson; Widow Tawanky, Tim Waine; So Shy, Sienna Miller; Emperor and Empress, Tim Farmer and Melanie Holt-Martyn; Yu Dun Wong, Jenny Haig; Hu DunPong, Sam Dyer; Abanazer, Malcolm Rowe; Spirit of the Ring, Alice Dyer (Mrs Hedgehog in l Wind in the Willows); Genie of the Lamp, new member John Sidebotham (whose son Toby was in Wind in the Willows); Wun Long Poo, Paula Smith and Spirit of the Cave, Polly Thornton.