POLICE cover is being doubled for Callington's Gala Day this year to prevent any anti-social behaviour which marred last year's event. Callington Sgt Brett Phillips said he would be deploying as many as eight officers on the day. One of the main events in the Callington social calendar, Gala Day was forced to end early last year after a fracas broke out in the beer tent. The starting time for the event in Saltash Road Recreation Field on July 14 has been brought forward to noon and will finish at 6pm with live music until 8pm. Organisers Callington Lions hope the earlier finishing time with no break between the afternoon and evening programme will help deter rowdy behaviour. Lion member Tony Stentiford said last year the music went on much later: 'We did have trouble last year when people started drinking and there was not enough police presence but we are putting a plan together which will hopefully prevent that this year.' Mr Stentiford said there would be all the usual attractions and fun for all the family, including the funfair, family dog show, unicycle display, cream teas, bar, bouncy castle and musicians. Entertainment in the evening will be provided by local band Bad Habitz. Sgt Phillips said police cover on the day would include constables, police community support officers and specials: 'I am keen that we do not get a repeat of what happened last year,' he said. Callington Town Council will also be considering funding some extra police officers over the fair weekend.