The captain of Britain’s biggest warship raised an emotional toast to his family this week as they marked 100 years’ continuous service to the nation.

Every day since mid-January 1925 there has always been at least one Blackett in the Royal Navy – all the way up to Captain Will Blackett, commanding officer of Britain’s flagship, HMS Prince of Wales.

He is the fourth generation of Blacketts in the Senior Service, with careers of father and son overlapping – making more than 111 years’ collective service.

As well as a proud, continuous history of service to the nation, Captain Will believes the Blackett story mirrors the social mobility many Britons have enjoyed over the past century: in their case, from dockyard shipwright to commanding the country’s most powerful warship which often visits Plymouth for training.

William joined Dartmouth in September 2001 as a warfare officer and commanded frigate HMS Lancaster before being appointed captain of HMS Prince of Wales at the beginning of last year.

And for good measure, although this is a story following the Blackett side of the family, Captain Will’s mum Sally was a Wren officer (she left the Navy when she became pregnant) whose father and brother were also naval officers.

And while the Blackett name has been a constant thread through the Senior Service since 1925, Jeff says it’s not the only continual factor: “Much has changed in the 100 years since my grandfather joined up in 1925 but the one constant is the professionalism and dedication of the people who serve,” Jeff added.

“He would not recognise the technical advances in modern warships, but he would have an affinity with the men and women who serve in them. The Royal Navy is in our blood, and long may it remain so.”

Will was enthralled by stories his late grandfather told him of service in WW2 – such as watching an air raid by Junkers dive-bombers attacking the naval base at Rosyth from a train stopped on the iconic Forth Bridge – although initially his father at one time he did advise his son not to join the Royal Navy.

“Celebrating this family achievement has involved reaching back into history and learning more about my ancestors – it is quite humbling to be at the end of a line of such brilliant people and I hope I have done them proud!” Captain Will said.

“HMS Prince of Wales’ deployment this year will take me to many of the places my grandfather served – I will take his old photographs with me and look forward to retracing his steps.”

In his first week in the Navy, his dad Jeff bought a flagon of rum in Gibraltar, opened only for special occasions. This week father and son shared a tot to toast the family’s service.

Looking back - Commodore Jeff (Dad) and Sub Lieutenant Will Blackett (son) at the beginning of Will's Royal Navy career.
Looking back - Commodore Jeff (Dad) and Sub Lieutenant Will Blackett (son) at the beginning of Will's Royal Navy career. (Royal Navy)