THE charity Farms for City Children’s farm is in need of three new sofas for its base at Nethercott House in Iddesleigh.

With over 1,200 children visiting the house every year for a week of ’Muck and Magic’ the current soas are in desperate need of replacement.

Nethercott House was set up by children’s author, Michael Morpurgo and his wife Clare 40 years ago in 1976 and has provided children from all over the UK with a whole week of working on a farm.

The children work in small groups, starting with the first farm task at 7.30am, working through until they feed and bed down the livestock in the early evening. Every task is purposeful, and many are repeated to give the children the opportunity to overcome any fears they may have in dealing with the animals, and ultimately enabling them to undertake their care independently and responsibly.

The farm experience is, for many, a world away from their daily lives, and they live as part of a large ‘family’ and are well-fed and cared for in a homely, child-centred environment.

In these peaceful and supportive conditions children flourish. Self-esteem and confidence visibly grows as they rise to the challenge around them, learn to take responsibility for what they are doing, and take pride in their efforts.

The quiet room where the three sofas reside is where the children play board games or read after lunch and in the evenings.

If anyone is throwing out any decent sofas which need a new home or can donate to raise money for sofas please contact Tracy Izod at Farms for City Children on 01392 276381 or email [email protected].

The only requirements are that they must have a British Standard Fire Logo and have plenty of life left in them.