WARNINGS have been issued about the need to closely supervise ‘swaling’ on Dartmoor, after a major gorse fire had to be put out at night over the weekend near Tavistock.

Tavistock fire crews were called out at 3am on Saturday morning (March 15) to a blaze on the moor near Mary Tavy.

Crews came equipped Tavistock Fire Station’s main appliance, a 4x4 vehicle and an Argocat all-terrain vehicle. The fire involved gorse and grass and was started ‘deliberately’ the fire service said.

Additional crews were requested from Okehampton to stop the fire spreading. It was extinguished using hose reels off the all-terrain vehicle and 4x4 which was supplied with water from the appliance.

The fire has prompted a fire service warning over fires at night.

Commoners are allowed to set fire to dead undergrowth on their patch of the moor over the winter, to promote new growth, as part of the practice of ‘swaling’.

However, these must be supervised and should not take place at night, the fire service said.

A fire service spokesman said: “This is the last month for legal swaling, but there should be no fires at night and all fires must be planned, reported to our control room on 0333 399 0014 before they start and have suitable ways of controlling them.”

Nationally controlled burning takes place between October 1 and April 15. On Dartmoor a voluntary code ends burning on March 31 to allow for the ground-nesting bird season.

Areas of moor where swaling is planned should have fire breaks cut or have other natural boundaries like tracks or walls facilitate safe extinguishment. Throughout the swale, commoners need to be in attendance to supervise the burn. The fire service works with the Dartmoor National Park Authority rangers to manage swaling.

For further information contact the fire service at https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/safety/outdoors/swaling

Fire fighters tackled a deliberate gorse fire at Mary Tavy.
The blaze at its height (Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue)
Fire fighters issued a fire warning tackled a deliberate gorse fire at Mary Tavy.
The fire at night (Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue)