AN increase in unauthorised signage on the grass verges and on posts in Callington was brought under the spotlight at a recent council meeting.
Councillors on Callington Town Council’s outside services committee were concerned at seeing signs littering the roadsides.
Cllr Karen Gold said: ‘I am fed up with seeing all the signs and adverts dotted around the town.
‘There is one in the park advertising Looe music festival on our fence and as far as I’m concerned that fence is very fragile.’
She said she didn’t mind too much about the notices for Kelliwik Festival as that was something that took place in the town but was not happy about the adverts for the recent South Hill fun day as it wasn’t even in the parish.
Cllr Gold also highlighted the problem with the town council staff having to remove the small sign posts stuck in the grass verges, particularly in front of Tesco, when they were grass cutting.
‘The lads cutting the grass don’t want to have to keep going round the signs,’ she said.
‘It will take them a lot longer to do. Those verges are cut by us, I think if they come across any signs like that they should just take them out.
‘Likewise if they are driving around and they see signs on posts they should just cut them down.’
The concerns were echoed by Councillor Jeremy Gist: ‘The signs are a real pain.
‘I’d like to see our staff given a pair of decent quality sign cutters with the permission that if they see any unauthorised signs, they should cut them down.’
It was agreed by the committee that any signs that go up on council property without permission will be taken down.