Tavistock’s newest youth sports venture, Football For All Youth Academy, has recently launched a development programme for 7-16 year olds at Tavistock College.

The academy held Easter Camps at the college in the holidays and directors Michelle Fitzsimmons and James Dyer were overwhelmed with the community’s support and response, filling every available place.

The duo are running the development programme with the help of their innovative head coach Richard Metters, to support individual growth, inspire healthy living, and encourage positive mental wellbeing, all whilst having fun.

‘The fully inclusive programme will not only develop a young person’s football, but has been created with a view that every child is an individual,’ said operations and delivery director, James Dyer.

‘It was designed to support, progress and enhance performance and growth to children already in a local team that would like extra coaching, or for those that would just enjoy the opportunity to train.’

Other camps, workshops, courses and programmes are also in the pipeline, so watch this space. Follow their page for regular updates: www.facebook.com/footballforallyouthacademy`