Community gardeners in Princetown are appealing for help in continuing the good progress they are making with their new plot.

The raised beds have been built and the green shoots are thriving in ‘The Plot’ which has been newly dug by a mixture of keen gardeners and others who want to learn.

The garden is at the back of the youth club building which has donated the land and a storage unit for gardening by villagers and is overseen by Dartmoor Forest Parish Council.

Hazel Williams, also involved in the churchyard maintenance working group, said: “It’s only been six weeks since a small number of us started clearing part of the area set aside for the community garden and we’ve made good progress in building and cultivating raised beds. We’re a bit limited in what we can grow at this time of year, but we’re seeing some healthy growth in summer flowers and have plans for vegetables as well.

“However, we do need to reach more villagers. They don’t have to have any experience or knowledge of gardening, but if they do, it’s an advantage as they can pass on their knowledge to the others.

“This is not an allotment. It’s not about allocating people plots and letting them get on with it. The Plot is for plotters, as we call ourselves, to join in with everyone else in creating the garden and helping grow flowers, fruit or veg in a communal way.”

Fellow plotter Charity Watkins said: “The garden is for everyone, especially for people who don’t have a garden and just want somewhere outside to potter about in. Also for people who want to grow their own produce to become more sustainable and perhaps save money on shopping and eat more healthily. Just being outdoors and meeting new people is also good for mental health and community cohesion.”

Laura Martin said: “I work on the garden to meet people because I’m new to Princetown and also don’t have a proper garden. I’m a vegan, so growing food to eat makes sense.”

The plotters meet on Wednesdays and Thursdays 9.30am-10.30am and Saturday 10am-11am