DARTMOOR Border Morris, a family-based Morris dancing side, is encouraging people to join them and 'have a go'. The group practises every Wednesday night in Meavy Village Hall and the ages range from teenagers through to 83. Members come from all walks of life, from teachers, doctors, the Dockyard and retirement. Treggie, who plays the fiddle, joined after being dragged along by his wife, but now finds, apart from a great social circle, he has an outlet for playing his fiddle, as opposed to playing at home quietly.  The group is keen to encourage anyone who likes any form of dancing to give it a go. Dartmoor Border Morris is sponsored by Dartmoor Brewery and in turn it aims to raise money for the Mary Budding Trust. During the summer, the group can be seen at various pubs across the moor, but also at various events like Widecombe fair, The Royal Cornwall show and Sidmouth Folk Fest. If you have dancing feet that need to get out, or are a musician who fancies playing folk tunes, contact Sue on 01822 859220, or visit the website http://www.dartmoorbordermorris.com">www.dartmoorbordermorris.com