Community volunteers will be at Tavistock Town hall from 6.30pm tonight (Wednesday, February 22) to chat with volunteers who are designing a plan which will help shape how the town's green spaces are to be used and protected.

The Tavistock Neighbourhood Development Plan is being drawn up using local people's views on housing needs, new home building, heritage, transport and shops and leisure and how to provide younger people with what they need.

Tavistock Town Councillor Ursula Mann, is leading on creating the plan which will be influential in planning decisions for decades. She said: ' Today I will be in the town hall with volunteers from the community who will be asking you if we are capturing your priorities in the local plan's vision for the town's next decade as you see them.

'This is a chance to take a moment to reflect on the real work and choices we have available regarding land use in Tavistock, including questions about how we want to influence housing development, protect green spaces and identify the most pressing infrastructure needs for the community.

'I'd love to see as many people as possible take part in this community conversation.'

More information on the Tavistock Neighbourhood Development Plan is available here: