Residents are being asked to comment on a near-final version of the Tavistock Neighbourhood Plan.

The plan is important for setting out a vision of how residents see their town evolve in the future with priorities such as housing and transport included as issues. The final plan will be used by planners when deciding long and short-term development plans and also taken into account by a planning inspector on any controversial developments.

In the face of many proposed changes to the national planning rules, the local plan will give additional protections to the character of Tavistock.

The plan has now reached the consultation stage where West Devon Borough Council is asked for its thoughts on the draft.

The borough council would like residents’ thoughts on the submission version of the Tavistock Neighbourhood Plan. The consultation is open until Friday, October 25. The documents are available here and comments can be submitted here. A printed copy is also available for viewing at the town council offices.

An independent examiner will check that the plan conforms to all higher level planning policies. A public hearing is likely to be held by the examiner. The examiner can recommend changes or refuse the plan altogether. An examiner’s report would be available for review on the Tavistock Town Council neighbourhood planning website page, together with the hearing dates.

Once the plan is approved it proceeds to the referendum stage where residents can vote on accepting it and it will finally be adopted by the town council.