STOKE CLIMSLAND residents are being urged to apply for a Stoke Climsland scheme that can help people save money on their energy bills and help mitigate climate change.

Time is running out to apply for the Stoke Climsland Parish Council’s Carbon Zero Homes Project that is helping families reduce their energy demand by insulating their homes whilst making a step towards achieving Carbon Net Zero in the Parish by 2030.

Those involved with the project say that interest from the community is growing but residents are being encouraged to apply now before the scheme comes to an end in March next year.

Derris Watson, Clerk to Stoke Climsland Parish Council, said: “The project is off to a good start. 

“We’re helping families to start along the pathway towards carbon zero but we’ve only got one year of funding then it will disappear so if people are interested then they should get their skates on and register.”

The new project involves ‘retrofitting’ people’s homes, whether that means insulating the home, adding solar panels or looking at alternative forms of heating. It is about taking the necessary steps to make the village’s homes more energy-efficient and more climate friendly, whilst also helping the community save money on their energy bills.

To introduce the project, the parish council received just under £55,000 through the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund which has also enabled a community energy advisor to be hired to guide people through the procedure.

This is part of the parish response to the Carbon Neutral Cornwall Call to Action, in respect of ‘improving the energy efficiency of homes across Cornwall’.

The broad aim is to support people with any aspect of saving energy to run a home, in line with their priorities. The parish council along with the community energy advisor, Andy Nevill will encourage retrofit activity and will support households onto and through the retrofit pathway.

Derris explained that match-funding is available for those interesed in retrofitting their homes and for those on low-incomes everything can be paid for thanks to the grant. 

She said: “We are at least match-funding what people put in. Also, if your income is less than £31,000 you get everything. There’s a lot of help for people regardless of their circumstances. Come to us and we will guide you through it.”

For those interested in applying for the scheme or for more information or advice email: [email protected], or call 07799848084 or complete the enquiry form which can be found on the council website at: