TWO HIKERS suffering from hypothermia were rescued from the Peat Cott area on Dartmoor this Wednesday, July 3.
At almost 7pm, the Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team Plymouth were called by the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust to aid the two hikers.

The Plymouth team were assisted by Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team Tavistock, as well as the Devon & Cornwall 4x4 Response.
‘It was a good example of how seamlessly different teams work together,’ they commented.

On arrival, a swift response team, along with paramedics, walked to the hikers location - whilst Land Rovers transported the necessary equipment to the scene.
The hikers were located, and the teams then administered first aid. The pair were suffering from hypothermia, and as a result Devon Air Ambulance were called.

Fortunately, the hikers had taken the correct course of action when they realised members of their team were unwell. They stopped, set-up their tents, and called the emergency services.
The teams were stood down at midnight.
Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team Plymouth would like to thank the Tavistock team for their assistance.
If you ever need assistance on the moors, dial 999 or 112, then ask for the Police, and then ask for the Mountain Rescue.