A PLANNING application for permission to build 41 houses at Binkham Hill in Yelverton has been resubmitted to Dartmoor National Park by developers.

This development is for 21 open market, 10 affordable and 10 intermediate homes including associated access, parking and the creation of open space under developers Greenvolt Development Ltd and Winston George Tucker.

Any comments or objections must be submitted by tomorrow – Friday, December 16.

Residents of Binkham Hill were written to by Dartmoor National Park late last month and invited to enter any observations they have on the application within 21 days.

To view the planning application and make comments visit the Dartmoor National Park website at: shorturl.at/eklBT

Any observations made will be available through the website for public inspection and people are advised not to include personal telephone or email details. This is an opportunity to comment only on the application; it is not possible to enter into correspondence in respect of the proposal, however Dartmoor National Park has assured people that any comments made will be fully considered prior to a decision being made.

The national park also advises those concerned to check the planning application pages online which will include submitted observations as well as comments received and the officer’s report and the decision in due course.

Full details can be on the website using the assigned application number: 0266/21