A SAFE walkway to school is on the cards for Callington pupils after it was agreed to improve a notorious blackspot in the town. A pavement with railings is set to be erected outside the Coachmaker's pub so children can walk from the traffic lights in the town centre to the community college in safety. The plan has been long talked about but has progressed recently through discussions between Enterprise Inns, who own the pub, Callington Town Council and Caradon District Council. Town and district councillor Chris Thomas, who has been instrumental in the discussions, said this was a very dangerous corner where lorries had collided with buildings on several occasions and walkers had to dodge cars coming and going into the pub car park. Enterprise Inns has agreed to sell the land, which runs the length of the pub, for the creation of a pavement, and Caradon was willing to give up a piece of land to extend the pavement further along, he said. 'It will give a safe route to school for the children and also make it safer for people who use the pub,' he said.