MAY I bring to the attention of your readers, especially in the Treetops area, two outline planning applications numbered 6351 and 6518.

These are proposing to build either 158 or 133 houses in the Manor park and the two fields adjacent.

This amount of housing will double the size of the existing Treetops estate, ie St Maryhaye Rd, Courtlands Road, Courtlands Close, Sunway Close, and Inswell Court.

If you allow two cars per house on average, bearing in mind some will be large detached houses with probably more vehicles, at say an average of 8 movements a day, this will be 2,000 odd entry and exits a day.

It is proposed to have one entry point only, opposite Inswell Court, so all the domestic and service traffic will decant on to the Old Launceston Road, which is narrow and dangerous.

There will be no safe pedestrian routes either, to the centre of Tavistock or to Tavistock College.

According to the plan they will mainly turn right up to the old toll house. If you believe that you will believe anything. No, they will either go straight down the Old Launceston Road, or out via St Maryhaye or into the town via Courtlands Road. These roads are only estate roads not main roads, with vehicles parked either side.

The only way for the construction traffic to come in is via St Maryhaye off the B3362. This will be mainly articulated lorries ? how will these negotiate these narrow and bendy estate roads?

If you have concerns about this development, the services, such as over loading of sewers, or bad ground for storm water drainage, safe access for children to get to school etc, then please inspect the applications or write to the planning office at West Devon Borough Council in Tavistock and register your objection.

R Burnham
