LAMERTON Primary School is extremely proud of a recent Ofsted inspection, which graded Lamerton as 'good' in every area.

The inspection declared Lamerton to be an effective school which provides well for all its pupils' needs.

The inspector praised the children's behaviour. He said that 'pupils have good manners and are courteous towards each other. They behave well in this friendly and happy school'.

Parents agreed with the inspector, stating that behaviour was a strength of the school.

Many lessons were observed during the inspection. The inspector found teaching to be good with 'learning moving at a brisk pace because lessons are well planned and delivered'. He added that 'questioning by teachers probes pupils' understanding well and pupils' responses to questions are well thought out'.

Leadership was also praised. The inspector noted 'the executive headteacher has a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses' and 'monitoring has been quickly established alongside robust procedures'.

Executive headteacher Melody Nicholls said: 'We are delighted with the report. We are all proud to be members of this school. Staff, pupils, parents and governors work very closely together.

'I'm sure Lamerton will continue to go from strength to strength.'

Inspectors said Lamerton should challenge more able pupils further in order to move to outstanding. Ms Nicholls said work is already underway to ensure this happens.