An absolute celebration of everything British, was how Tavistock town councillor Ursula Mann described events in Tavistock over the last two days which began with a Jubilee Gala Day on the first day of the bank holday weekend and will end with the Robey Trust Steam Fair and picnic in the park tomorrow.

Cllr Mann said there was a fantastic community spirit in the town with people and organisations from right across the spectrum from the primary schools to BID, the Lions’ club to town council involved.

‘It is great to see everyone have such a great time, it has been a real success and there’s more to come,’ she said.

The events were formally opened by town crier David Turner and mayor of Tavistock Paul Ward on Thursday. Throughout the weekend there is music in Bedford Square giving a real vintage vibe to the proceedings.

You might have to wear your raincoat today but don’t let the weather stop you enjoying the fun.

This selection of photos is by Dave Crawford. There will be plenty more in this Thursday’s special Jubilee Edition of the Times.