TAVISTOCK Young Farmers? Club members took part in a variety of events recently.

They travelled to Whymstone Farm in Modbury for the South Dartmoor group field day, where they had a successful day in areas from produce and cookery classes to sheep showing.

First prizes were gained by Helen Blowey and Tom Medland in the feed straw and seed hay classes; by Helen also in the cookery classes; by Joy Steer in three cookery classes; Phil Medland in five sheep classes; Ross Edwards with his ram lamb ? going on to become champion; and Matthew Hitchcock and Andrew F Mudge retained their title in the gate-making competition.

The club also won and came second in the It?s a Knockout competition and Tom Medland won the tractor and car handling competitions. Kerry Lloyd won the girls? clay pigeon shoot.

Members of the new tug-o-war team competed at Bridestowe, Modbury and Widecombe Fair, giving a good account of themselves, winning the event at the Fox and Hounds in aid of Rapid UK.

At Kingsbridge they came second and at Widecombe second in the 660kg weight group and first in the cast weight.

At their farm evaluation evening at Higher Grenofen Farm, where members see how good they are at valuing items from cattle and sheep to tractors and machinery, Russell Woolcock and Chris Clapham valued the items for the young farmers to assess.

Overall champion was Phil Medland, with other first prizewinners being Kate Vanstone, Adrian Cole, Donna Penwill and Blair Vanstone.

The harvest supper was held on September 25 at Mary Tavy Coronation Hall, an event at which the club thanks all who have helped them through the year.

The 100 guests were entertained by president Russell Woolcock, guest speaker John Bone and chairman Tom Medland. Trophies and cups were awarded.

Tom Medland won the senior cup for most outstanding member and Adrian Cole the junior cup. Richard Cole won the Whitchurch Association cup for the member attending most meetings and events and gaining most points in competitions.

Other winners: stock judging, Phil Medland, Bruce Bellamy, Richard Cole and Donna Penwill; shearing, Tom Medland and Donna Penwill; ten pin bowling, Nick Cole and Kate Vanstone; table tennis, Andrew F Mudge and Helen Blowey; farm evaluation and field day cups, Phil Medland; animal health quiz, Richard Steer.