Lamerton Parish Council has opposed a plan for detached houses in the grounds of a care home.

The parish council discussed the application to build five houses in the grounds of Camplehaye Care Home, submitted to West Devon Borough Council by Avens Care Homes Ltd. They voted to object to the application at the parish council meeting on Monday night last week. Cllr Martin Exley-Deane declared an interest and left the room.

Cllr Karen Dreyer opposed the application 4112/22/OPA by Mr A Avens for outline planning permission for the five houses, which would share an entrance off the main road with the care home.

She said the housing would be visible from much of the village and being to the north of the current care home, could not be considered ‘infill’ but rather ‘backfill’ encroaching onto open countryside.

She added that the the housing put forward was for sizeable houses, not the one or two bedroom properties required in the parish. According to the ecology report submitted with the application, the site has already been cleared of trees and vegetation.

Cllr Roger Geake said: ‘I agree with most of your views. I feel that once we put through this application it could be the end of Camplehaye Care Home. I think they are going through hard times at the moment and staff are hard to find.’

Cllr Dreyer replied: ‘Those reasons are not planning reasons. There may be other ways that the site might be brought forward which would be more in keeping with the development in the village and certainly not create the potential dangers which this one does.

She added: ‘Although it is irrelevant to the application, should Camplehaye close it could be repurposed for affordable housing which could be a positive thing and could provide flats and maybe affordable accommodation.’

Planning authority West Devon Borough Council will make the decision, but the parish council has voted to object.