With the help of funding from Texaco Garage and the Tavistock Lions, Tavistock Swimming Club has been able to buy 30 pairs of swimming fins.

The fins will help boost the confidence for the young swimmers as they learn the basics in the pool.

Swimming club chairman Caroline Furze said: “We are extremely grateful to both Tavistock Lions and Texaco Garage for their generosity.  Fins are invaluable when working on technique and improve strength and fitness. They can also do a lot for a swimmer’s confidence and enthusiasm.

“The fins will last for many years meaning that numerous children will benefit and we can continue with our policy of not expecting parents to provide anything more than a swimming costume, hat and goggles It all helps us to make the sport as accessible as possible. We always welcome new members and anyone interested should contact the club for a free taster session.”

 Lions’ president Alan Wroath said: “We are very pleased to support anything which encourages young people to develop their swimming – it is such a vital skill!”

The photograph shows Lions and swimming club members, from left to right: Lions’ president Alan Wroath, head coach Gareth Davis, Amelia Beard, Esme Mill, Chloe Sheil, Lola Slater, Amelia Fox, Tanisha Jago and Lions Brenda Moyse and Graham Foster.