A loving daughter is looking for support in continuing her wish list series of challenges to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) which led to her mum's early death.

Pippa Marshall, 49, is undergoing 70 challenges both creative and physical since what would have been her mum’s 70th year last year had she not passed away aged 63 in 2016. 

Pip, of near Bridestowe has so far raised £2,000 and completed 45 activities such as hang gliding from a cliff, volunteering as a surf mentor with youngsters for the Wave Project, swum 2.5km around both the headland from Carbis Bay and around St Michael's Mount, and walking 20km in London. Next, Pip plans to tackle a Camel Trail/River Camel 20km cycle ride and 10km swim, visiting Buckingham Palace, hang out with Penguins (her Mum's favourite animal), coasteering and more.

Pip, a contract manager in employability, says all the challenges celebrate her mother’s life and honour her resilience, lack of self-pity and complaining, despite the slow, but non-stop deterioration of her condition which eventually caused her to be almost immobile.

The challenges are often very personal with Pip visiting the tiny chapel (now a cottage) where her mum attended Sunday school and became the only person to marry there with a special licence.: “I wanted to stay there and see part of mum’s life through her eyes and to feel close to both my parents". Swimming always makes me feel close to mum as she arranged lessons when I was seven. The tandem hang gliding was initially very scary, but it was beautiful and I never wanted to land.”

She has also crafted and baked: “These were all things mum really enjoyed, but eventually found impossible as MS progressed. My physical challenges express my joy at being able to do so many things which we all take for granted, but I saw my mum’s life curtailed by not being able to move. Mum grew up in the Cornish countryside and loved the beauty of Cornwall and it is a crushing sadness to me that she couldn’t enjoy it so easily as an adult, having MS since she was 19.”

Pip took on the role of main carer when her dad left home: “I had to deal with all the doctors and social workers, health workers and hospital appointments, which took over my life at a relatively young age. This responsibility meant I sometimes lost sight of mum as a person behind my duties and the heavy veil of MS. My challenges will let the world know this courageous, beautiful and kind person, Carol, existed and raise money for MS to help support others."

Follow Pip's progress on Instagram: pip.ms.70challenge

Donations can be made to Pip’s JustGiving page: https://www.justgiving.com/page/pip-ms-70-challenge

Pip Marshall and her mum Carol  (seated) before Carol died of MS and who inspired her to raise money for the MS Society
Pip Marshall and her mum Carol (seated) before Carol died of MS and who inspired her to raise money for the MS Society (Pip Marshall)