The start of spring was heralded by children and staff at Meavy C of E Primary School with a Mad March Hair Day.
The pupils came to school on Friday, March 22 with lots of different crazy hairstyles for the annual fundraiser which they hold every year at the start of spring.
The fundraiser was all in a good cause, raising funds for the Romania Aid Group (RAG) charity, which sends help to needy people in Romania. It was founded in 1990 and Meavy Primary School have supported it every year.
As these pictures show, much ingenuity was spent on coming up with hairstyles. The youngsters used colour and hair gel.
There were quiffs and ringlets, buns and plaits and even coke bottles and daffodils used to adorn the heads of the girls. Boys entered into the spirit of it too, with more than a nod to punk style.