A Milton Abbot man has been ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid work and pay nearly £1,000 after pleading guilty to criminal damage and using threatening words and behaviour towards a woman.

In Plymouth on August 14 last year, Hardy Hopkinson, 25, (of Milton Abbot) used threatening words and behaviour towards a woman with the intention of causing her to believe that unlawful violence would be used against her and further damaged a wing mirror on a vehicle owned by the victim — up to the value of £495.90.

Mr Hopkinson pleaded guilty to both offences at Plymouth Magistrates' Court on Friday, August 4, having previously pleaded not guilty to the first offence. Taking his guilty plea into account, the serving magistrate issued the defendant a community order, requiring him to complete 200 hours of unpaid work in the next 12 months under an officer's supervision and ordered him to pay a total of £994 by August 25: £795 in compensation, a £114 surcharge to fund victim services and £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.