Milton Abott is likely to be affected by roadworks in April when the main road and linked roads, accessing the centre, is due to be closed on three separate occasions fr cats eyes to be replaced and the surface replaced.
The following road closures are planned for road maintenance in Milton Abbott. Road signs are already up on the B3362 warning drivers their journeys will be affected. There are not, however, cast in stone and could be affected by weather.
Saturday April 6 to Wednesday April 10: 7am - 7pm: Roads affected will be from Dunterton Cross to Eastcott Farm. Road From Eastcott Farm to Fore Street. Which effectively means no access through Milton Abbott on the B3362. These works are for the ongoing programme for the area, which is stud removal (old cats eyes)
Sunday April 7 to Thursday April 11 from 7am to 10pm: Roads affected from Milton Green to Tuell Down Cross, Milton Abbot Bridleway 5, road from Fore Street to Milton Green, Fore Street, road from Eastcott Farm to Fore Street. Again, basically, during these times, between these dates, no access through Milton Abbott B3362. These works are for the ongoing programme for the area, which is stud removal (old cats eyes).
Tuesday April 23 to Saturday April 27 from 7am to 7pm: Affected roads. B3362 Tuell Down - Milton Abbot CP. This is for the Kiely Group, who will be surface dressing and associated works on the B3362, following the earlier dates, for the stud removal works. Diversion routes will be recommended, so local knowledge the key.