A TALENTED musical family are gathering from all over the country in Tavistock to raise money for families who needing extra support when a member has cancer.

Jill Haire and her husband Jim, of Tavistock, are staging a free concert at the Stannary Brewery in memory of her nephew who died of cancer. The multi-artist event will be at the Pixon Lane venue in the town on Saturday, October 26 from 5pm to 9pm to perform songs, music and dance. A pizza van and the brewery bar will be selling refreshments.

Funds will be raised by asking for donations during the evening which will feature Jill’s two sons Paul and Steve Parker who teach guitar and also play in groups and record and write songs and music.

Jill has been raising funds for Young Lives vs Cancer (YLC) for several years. One of the reasons is that her sister Pam’s son, Mark Checketts died, aged 21, of leukaemia. The second is that, as a piano tutor she helped raise money for YLC through her association with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, to encourage pupils to practise for exams.

The concert will feature several performers, including a new rock and pop choir called The Tavi Songsters, formed this year, with Jill and Jim as founder members – this will be the choir’s first public performance.

Jill said: “This is a fun family event where my family and friends will be singing and performing music and with a wide appeal. It’s in memory of my nephew Mark who died of cancer. We’d encourage people to come along, enjoy themselves and make donations to Young Lives vs Cancer. I’ve been supporting the charity for many years through my work and think it’s a very good charity, which is there when people need it most.

“I come from a very musical family with my two sons who seem to have inherited my ability and are very talented. They will be joined by their family also, so it’s a real family affair.”

Jill’s son Steve will perform and his wife Davina will compere the evening and their daughter Maisie, aged ten, will dance, while Jill’s other son Paul with wife Del, who sings, and daughter Ava, 12 will also perform.

Jill and her sister both learned to play the piano, Jill’s gran paid for her piano lessons as a youngster.

When a child is diagnosed with cancer life is full of fear of treatment and of families being torn apart, money worries and of having nowhere to turn and no one to talk to.

A SW regional YLC spokesman said: “At Young Lives vs Cancer, we help families find the strength to face whatever cancer throws at them. But every day 12 more children and young people hear the devastating news they have cancer. We’ll face it all together – but we can’t do it without our supporters.”

To donate to Jill’s Young Lives v Cancer visit her JustGiving page here: https://shorturl.at/tH1jn

Steve Parker, Jill Haire's son, who will perform at her cancer charity concert.
Steve Parker, Jill Haire's son, who will perform at her cancer charity concert at the Stannary Brewery, Tavistock (Submitted)
Paul Parker, Jill Haire's son, will perform at her cancer charity concert. jpg
Paul Parker, Jill Haire's son, will perform at her cancer charity concert (Submitted)
Jill Haire (front left) with her choir the Tavi Songsters which will perform in aid of a cancer charity.
Jill Haire (front left) with her choir The Tavi Songsters who will also be performing at the event (Submitted)