COMMUNITY-MINDED residents are invited to play their part helping fellow villagers on the Bere peninsula by becoming a councillor.

There is a vacancy on Bere Ferrers Parish Council, which has a role in shaping what happens in the parish.

Parish councils are consulted on planning applications (which are then decided by the borough council), help local groups, manage open spaces and campaign for and deliver better services.

Bere Ferrers parish councillors and volunteers have made big improvements to the Down Recreational Field in Bere Alston where new outdoor fitness equipment has been set up and accessible paths built.

The council has also surveyed locals to ask them what they would like to see offered in the way of community recreational sport and games. As a result, rounder sessions are now staged on the rec.

The council is also engaged long-term in providing a new sports pavilion/changing rooms if funding can be obtained. Parish councillors have also succeeded in their campaign to get funding for three replacement bus shelters in the parish.

Potential councillors ideally should have time and expertise to support a desire to make a difference, be concerned about their local area and want to represent it.

Applicants should note that councillors are expected to attend at least at two meetings a month, the council meeting, held at the end of each month and join a sub-committee (plans & highways, open spaces, footpaths & environment or finance & general purposes) and to represent the electors of Bere Ferrers in raising and discussing issues of interest on which the parish council is empowered to act.

Any person wishing to apply for this vacancy should contact the clerk for more information on [email protected]

All applications must be received by 12 noon on Wednesday, February 19. Candidates will be interviewed at the council meeting to be held on Tuesday, February 25.