Okehampton PADs (Public Access Defibrillators) recently trained 175 students at St James CoE Primary School and Okehampton Primary Schools to provide potentially life-saving first aid. 

Year 5 and 6 students attended the 90-minute sessions, during which they learned how to assess casualties, recognise when someone needs help, call the emergency services, place casualties into the recovery position, perform CPR, use defibrillators, and help someone who is choking. 

Chris Luxton from Okehampton Primary School, said: "The children especially appreciated the opportunity to test out the skills Joe Rice taught them with first-aid equipment, which they did with great diligence and care."

Okehampton PADs provided the training to the schools free of charge and hopes to repeat it every year to ensure that every child in Okehampton leaves primary school with the confidence to help someone in need.

Elena, in Year 5, said: "I feel so much more confident after the training with Joe because he spoke to us in a lively, clear way. I feel like I could actually help someone now, or even save a life."

Emily, also in Year 5, added: "We got to practice and learn real first aid skills on models, which made it more realistic...It was fun, but we also took it very seriously."

Okehampton PADs provides public access defibrillators throughout the town; currently, 14 are available. The charity offers free first aid training and encourages everyone over the age of 12 to attend a session. The next session is on September 21 at the Baptist Hall. To book a place, contact [email protected].