PUPILS at Okehampton Primary School enjoyed taking part in National Roast Dinner Day on Wednesday last week.

As part of the celebration, Yar Tor class were given the reward of enjoying their school dinner together on the Top Table with their teachers, a school governor and Adrian Roper, development manager from Food for Life, the organisation behind the idea.

Yar Tor, who have consistently been the class with the highest uptake of school dinners throughout Key Stage 2, enjoyed Farm Assured roast pork, organic, locally sourced carrots and cabbage and apple sauce using the last remaining local apples from Year One’s recent apple day in Red Lion Yard.

In total 407 school dinners were cooked. The busy day for the kitchen staff didn’t end there, however, with tasters from the new Gold Food for Life menu being served to families visiting the school in the afternoon for parents’ consultations.

Picture by James Bird.