Okehampton Rotary Club recently elected Rotarian Chris Bourne as its president for the year 2024/25.

This month, Rotarian Chris Bourne has taken over from Rotarian Rob Harman as club president.

Introducing planned events for the next year, Chris said: "Here in our Okehampton Club, we hope to plan and provide for the local community and specific international projects and not miss a trick!

"We have just recently seen the reintroduction of the Cadet Challenge and hope to see this continue into 2025 and beyond.

"Our Rotary Fayre on August 4 is the highlight of the year for us and this year we hope to see several teams come forward to take part in the Tug of War Challenge."

The 2024/25 year will also see the Rotary Annual Awards and Presentation evening on October 9 and Christmas lunches later in the year.

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