A WEST Devon village's slice of Olympic legacy will be well cared for after the parish council was awarded a grant of £1,500 from national charity Fields in Trust.

The money will be used by Lifton Parish Council to buy much-needed equipment to maintain the Queen Elizabeth II Recreation Ground.

The site was eligible for this funding because the parish council had nominated it for the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge. The challenge is working with landowners to build a national grassroots legacy from the Olympics by ensuring sites such as the recreation ground are safeguarded forever.

Not only has the council leveraged funding to keep the green space looking its best, but it has also made sure that any budding Olympians of the future will always have somewhere to discover and hone their talent

There will be one more round of County Funding from Fields in Trust, in November. Queen Elizabeth II Fields in England can also apply to an exclusive £1-million SITA Trust fund.

Chris Edmonds, vice-chairman of Lifton Parish Council and chairman of the QEII Recreation Ground Management Committee, said 'We're delighted to be awarded this money by Fields in Trust as part of their marking of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

'It will help us to keep the recreation ground in top condition for people to enjoy themselves outdoors, and keep it a valuable asset to the area for many years to come. We would encourage other Fields in Trust owners to take advantage of this pot of funding Fields in Trust are offering.'