The delicate art of running and flipping a pancake at the same time was on display at Whitchurch Community Primary School as children enjoyed a traditional Shrove Tuesday race.

Fellow pupils watched as their classmates of all ages took part in the pancake race, organised by older children with some expert coaching provided by the sports ambassadors.

A school spokesman said: “Every year we hold pancake day races at Whitchurch Primary. The children compete in their houses to run races while flipping pancakes.

“It was a lovely sunny day for it this year and was organised by our house captains who, alongside our sports ambassadors, help the younger pupils.

“The children also have pancakes for lunch courtesy of our amazing kitchen team. This year the winners were Red House.”

Racing to the finish of the pancake race at Whitchurch School.
Racing to the finish of the pancake race at Whitchurch School. (Whitchurch School.)
Winning pancake flippers at Whitchurch School.
Winning pancake flippers (Whitchurch Community Primary School)
Whitchurch School children getting the hang of running and flipping pancakes.
Whitchurch School children getting the hang of both running and flipping pancakes (Whitchurch Community Primary School)
Even the smallest joined in the pancake race at Whitchurch School.
Even the smallest pupil joined in the pancake race (Whitchurch Community Primary School)