Can you spot any changes to this bird's eye view of Tavistock?
Please let us know what has been changed and send us your memories and any photos at ground level of former landmarks.
We think the photo probably dates from around the late 1970s, but we are hoping to pin the date down more exactly with help from readers.
Among the more obvious changes are the disappearance of the former Crown pub/nightclub on Russell Street, the former garage at the bottom of Down Road, the changes at the front of The Wharf and the bus station differences (including the kiosk), while Abbey Rise now has new homes and a police station where a large factory is pictured.
The photo was discovered among his belongings by Tavistock resident Chris Hill who is preparing to move house from Whitham Park.
The former Brook Street Co-op worker for 32 years said: "It would be interesting to hear from people about how old the photo is. Sadly it doesn't have any date or name to identify who took it on the back.
"I think it's from the seventies when you look at the cars and it could be narrowed down by looking at the most modern buildings in the photo, perhaps the council offices in Kilworthy Park?"
Please email any photos and comments to [email protected]